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SMSFs flagged on updates to contribution measures in upcoming super bill

The new recently introduced bill on enhancing superannuation outcomes has provided a further update on how the government will implement its new contribution rules along with its potential effect on contribution strategies for SMSFs.


The Morrison government has recently introduced into Parliament the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing superannuation outcomes for Australians and helping Australian businesses invest) Bill 2021which implements a raft of changes to superannuation contribution rules.

Heffron managing director Meg Heffron said the new bill provides some important details that were missing from the federal budget.

As the work test measures are implemented through regulation changes, which the government intends to make this year, Ms Heffron noted the current bill deals with a component that requires a change to the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997


“That was the government’s announcement that the work test would still apply if the member wanted to claim a tax deduction for his or her contribution. The bill does this by placing some additional limits on when a member can claim a tax deduction for his or her contributions after age 67,” Ms Heffron said in a recent blog update.

“Importantly, it refers to contributions made between 67 and ‘28 days after the end of the month in which you turn 75’ rather than the member’s 75th birthday. That makes perfect sense – it’s the same language used in the work test at the moment. 

“It suggests that when regulations are made to remove the work test, they will do the same – extend the opportunity to make contributions without meeting a work test up until the 28th day of the month after the member’s 75th birthday rather than their birthday itself. It’s what we expected but is useful clarity.”

Interestingly, Ms Heffron said it appears that moving the work test from the superannuation regulations to the Income Tax Assessment Act will get rid of the current requirement to meet the work test before the contribution is made. The new wording in the Income Tax Assessment Act simply requires the work test to be met at any time in the financial year.

“The bill also specifically allows someone meeting the rules often described as the “work test exemption” to claim a tax deduction for their personal contributions,” Ms Heffron noted.

“The work test exemption applies in very limited circumstances: the member must have a total super balance of less than $300,000 at the previous 30 June, have met the work test in the previous year and not used the work test exemption rules before.

“Someone meeting these rules at the moment can make a personal contribution even if they don’t meet the work test this year. From 1 July 2022 (when these changes are scheduled to take place), members will be able to contribute regardless of whether or not they meet the special work test exemption, but they will only be able to claim a tax deduction for it if they meet the work test or work test exemption rules.

“We’ll have to wait until the regulations are released, but if the work test is simply removed from the super rules from 1 July 2022 (as appears likely from these changes), CGT cap contributions and personal injury contributions will be able to be made without meeting a work test.”

Updates on bring forwards

As expected, the new rules also extend to bring forward opportunities up until the year in which the member turns 75. In other words, if a member turns 75 in November 2022, he or she will be able to use the bring-forward rules in 2022-23, according to Ms Heffron.    

“Of course, they will be unable to make any voluntary contributions at all after 28 December 2022, so they would need to do so earlier in the year,” she said.

“The legislative change contained in the bill is extremely simple – it replaces ‘67’ with ‘75’. The Explanatory Memorandum specifically states that these amendments aren’t intended to allow people to use caps that they would never have had (i.e. in the years when they turn 76, 77 etc).

“But it’s difficult to see how the current legislation stops this from happening – unless there are other changes still coming to support the government’s intention. 

“The change set out in this bill would allow someone with a total super balance of less than $1.48 million at 30 June 2022 who turns 75 in November 2022 to make non-concessional contributions of $330,000 in October 2022. In doing so, they would be using their caps for 2023-24 and 2024-25.”

Downsizer contributions age reduced to 60

For downsizer contributions, the legislation to implement this measure simply replaces 65 with 60 in the sections that define downsizer contributions and provides that the change should take effect from 1 July 2022.

“So, there is no requirement for the member to be over 60 when contracts are exchanged or settlement occurs; it is all about the age at which the contribution is made,” Ms Heffron said.

“Unless other changes are made via regulations, the downsizer contribution will be preserved if it is made at a time when the member is not retired or over 65. 

“Previously, this wasn’t a consideration as all superannuation stops being preserved when the member turns 65, and this was the earliest age for a downsizer contribution in any case.”

For the First Home Super Saver Scheme, an amendment of similar lack of complexity increases the maximum amount that can be released under this scheme from $30,000 to $50,000 from 1 July 2022, with all the other rules remaining the same.



29 October 2021
Tony Zhang

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Retirement Planning

Retiring on your own terms is not always easy to achieve, however it is evident that those who plan for retirement are more likely to do so. Results also show that obtaining professional help during the pre-retirement years further improves the probability of attaining your retirement objectives.

The earlier you start implementing a plan the better the outcomes.

During one’s working life there is always an income to make ends meet when raising children, paying off a mortgage, etc.

Retirement planning is about the lifestyle you will have after you stop work and receiving employment income.  Planning focuses on issues such as how much superannuation is enough, taking a super pension, claiming the Age Pension, making superannuation contributions while receiving a pension from a super fund, estate planning and looking after your family.

Planning properly is becoming even more important now we are expected to live longer.  This greater need means that professional help has never been more important.

At Wybenga Financial we will provide the time and expertise needed to help you implement the best pre-retirement plan possible.  Contact us today to discuss how we can work together on: (02) 9300 3000 or .

Building Wealth

Investing your hard earned savings can be a complex task.  There are many issues such as levels of risk, market timing, asset classes, and your own goals, objectives and preferences that need to be considered. It can often seem a daunting task. At Wybenga Financial we have the expertise to assist you in taking control of your finances and making sure you are generating the wealth you need both now and in the future.

The first step is to create a plan. At Wybenga Financial we take great care in getting to know our clients and their future goals and objectives. We combine our knowledge of your personal goals together with an analysis of your current situation, to create a detailed, personalised plan that will help you meet your objectives. This plan will become your road map which outlines how we are going to meet your goals, whilst aligning all investment decisions to your specific risk tolerance.

After we have created your personal plan, we move to implementation. This is where we action the immediate changes set out in your plan, and put in place reminders for anything that is to occur in the future. As your professional advisers, we can action many steps on your behalf making the implementation of changes as painless for our clients as possible. We aim to make the process smooth and seamless, providing a holistic service that can be executed with ease.

The final and most important phase of the relationship with Wybenga Financial is the ongoing management of your wealth. This ensures you are sticking to your plan and that your portfolio is aligned to your needs and attitude toward risk. An ongoing relationship ensures that we know when your circumstances change and that these can be recognised and reflected in changes to your investment approach.

While we are reviewing your portfolio from the perspective of your personal goals and situation, we also take into account the wider economic landscape and changes to legislation. We continually review and analyse our preferred investments in a structured and objective way. The benefit to our clients is that we are unemotional. This can be significantly beneficial over the long term.

At Wybenga Financial we can provide the time and expertise that will help you invest intelligently and prudently.  Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .

Personal Insurance

Life insurance isn’t just a cost, though it often feels like it.  You buy peace-of-mind that should a serious issue effect you then the consequences won’t unduly affect your family.  Insurance provides you with the ability to manage the financial and emotional impact of some of the more drastic events, whether personally or in your small business.

Insurance can’t replace a loved one but it can help reduce the financial burden by providing the capital to ensure your family has choices.

Many Australians are underinsured and the consequences can be very serious for families should there be a death or serious injury. A yes to any of the following questions means you may have a need for insurance coverage:

  1. Do you have a mortgage?
  2. Do you have school fees?
  3. Do you have any personal loans?
  4. Do you have any credit card debt?
  5. Do you have dependents?
  6. Would your financial position be affected if you were to suffer from an illness or injury?
  7. Do you want to have enough capital to look after your dependents if you were unable to care for them for an extended period of time or perhaps indefinitely?

We understand that it can be difficult determining the type and level of cover you might need, let alone choosing an insurer. We can assist by helping you determine your needs and recommend an insurer that is right for you.

At Wybenga Financial we know how to protect your wealth and will recommend solutions that best suit your needs. Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .


Superannuation is mandatory but taking an early and active interest in your retirement planning is critical to ensuring your benefits are maximised by the time you retire.  Many will have a superannuation scheme through employment but increasing numbers are starting their own Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).

For many, simply relying on employer contributions may not be enough to provide the lifestyle you desire at retirement. We can assist in building strategies to ensure your retirement goals are met and your required lifestyle is maintained throughout retirement.

It is always best to start saving and planning for your retirement as early as you can. 

At Wybenga Financial we know our job is to help you meet your retirement needs and we have the skills and experience to do this for you.  Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .

Self Managed Super Funds

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) offer a good strategy option for many individuals, families and small business owners to build tax effective wealth and to protect assets over time. SMSFs are becoming popular for those who are ready to take control of their own super investments as they give you ultimate control and flexibility to manage your retirement benefits.

It must be noted though, that you will have increased responsibilities as a trustee of the fund. As a SMSF Trustee you need to keep up to date with all required regulations and keep up with the fast paced financial markets.

Wybenga Financial can work with you to understand your personal financial situation and decide whether a SMSF structure is appropriate for you. We will also make sure your assets are invested in the most effective way to maximise your retirement benefits.

Should you wish to consider establishing a SMSF then we can help with all aspects of the process from establishment to managing your compliance obligations.

Wybenga Financial would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help maximise your opportunities to grow your wealth through a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF).  Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .

Estate Planning

Your estate is made up of everything you own. This includes your home, property, furniture, car, personal possessions, business, investments, superannuation and bank accounts.

Having an estate plan is extremely important.  Having a will is just the first step in your estate plan. It is critical to consider what outcomes you would like for your estate and to ensure a plan is in place to achieve those outcomes, both including and beyond the terms of your will.

Wybenga Financial would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help ensure your estate is organised to ensure your plans are implemented as you wish.  Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .


Loans and loan management are central to overall financial management.  Obtaining the the most appropriat loans for your needs is crucial and Wybenga Financial can help you with solutions that meet your short and long term needs.

At Wybenga Financial we work with experienced mortgage brokers that can assist you in obtaining the most appropriate loan for your needs and objectives. Whilst this is an external service, we work closely with the brokers to ensure the process is as easy and smooth as possible.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .


We have partnerships with many respected property agents and research firms. This enables us to source suitable properties for individuals, couples and families looking to make an investment into property.

At Wybenga Financial we will assist you implement the most appropriate property investment plan possible.  Contact us today to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is determining how an investor is going to meet their goals and objectives. It is about helping clients define their goals, gathering information and analysing data to make a plan, then implementing the plan and reviewing the results. It is also reviewing and updating goals and objectives as clients move through different phases of life.

At Wybenga Financial, this is the most critical service we provide. For more information please visit our Building Wealth through Strategic Planning page or contact us to discuss how we can work together: (02) 9300 3000 or .

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Secure File Transfer

Secure File Transfer is a facility that allows the safe and secure exchange of confidential files or documents between you and us.

Email is very convenient in our business world, there is no doubting that. However email messages and attachments can be intercepted by third parties, putting your privacy and identity at risk if used to send confidential files or documents. Secure File Transfer eliminates this risk.

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Tess Uncle

B.Sc, M.Com, CA, DipFP

Tess has been working in Chartered Accounting Firms since 2001 and in this time has had a broad range of experience in superannuation, taxation, business services, and financial strategy.

Since 2016, Tess has turned her attention to Financial Planning, earning a Diploma of Financial Planning in 2015 and leading the newly established financial division of the Wybenga Group as a director of Wybenga Financial.

Tess’s mission is to bring the ethics and integrity of her Chartered Accounting background to the area of wealth management.

As a woman in a male dominated field, Tess is active in promoting gender equality in the industry through various programs and mentoring opportunities.

Using her depth of knowledge and experience in tax and accounting Tess is able to demonstrate a level of competence that is unique in the Financial Planning sector.

  • 2001 – Commenced employment with Wybenga & Partners and part-time accountancy studies
  • 2004 – Graduated Masters of Commerce from the University of New South Wales
  • 2005 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • 2007 – Promoted to Manager at Wybenga & Partners
  • 2012 – Appointed as Associate Director
  • 2015 – Awarded a Diploma of Financial Planning
  • 2016 – Appointed as Director of Wybenga Group Pty Ltd, Wybenga & Parthers Pty Ltd and Wybenga Financial Pty Ltd

Schedule a Meeting with Tess

Adam Roberts

B.Bus, B.Sc, CA, DipFP

Adam has been working in Chartered Accounting Firms since 2005 and in this time has had a broad range of experience in superannuation, taxation, business services, and financial strategy.

Since 2016, Adam has turned his attention to Financial Planning, earning a Diploma of Financial Planning in 2015 and leading the newly established financial division of the Wybenga Group as a director of Wybenga Financial. Adam specialises in Financial Planning, wealth accumulation, portfolion management, tax and investment strategies including structuring investments and superannuation, and insurances.

Adam’s mission is to bring the ethics and integrity of his Chartered Accounting background to the area of wealth management.

Combining traditional accounting and financial services has been a welcome move for Adam, allowing him to operate and advise in the financial sector that has been a long time personal passion.

Using his depth of knowledge and experience in tax and accounting Adam is able to demonstrate a level of competence that is unique in the Financial Planning sector.

  • 2005 – Graduated Bachelor of Science from the University of Western Sydney
  • 2005 – Commenced employment with Wybenga & Partners and part-time accountancy studies
  • 2007 – Graduated Bachelor of Business from the University of Western Sydney
  • 2010 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • 2010 – Promoted to Manager at Wybenga & Partners
  • 2012 – Appointed as Associate Director
  • 2015 – Awarded a Diploma of Financial Planning
  • 2016 – Appointed as Director of Wybenga Group Pty Ltd, Wybenga & Parthers Pty Ltd and Wybenga Financial Pty Ltd

Schedule a Meeting with Adam

Advisory Cadetships

What is an Advisory Cadetship?
An Advisory Cadetship enables you to commence your career whilst attaining the necessary university qualifications by studying part-time.

How does it work?
Generally, our cadets complete a relevant business or accounting degree at the University of New South Wales, the University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, or the University of Western Sydney.

The Firm provides 3-hours paid study leave per week to attend university. This can either be taken at the one time or broken between days depending on the individual’s requirements. In addition, the Firm provides paid study leave for both mid-semester and end-of-year exams.

We take the work life balance very seriously at Wybenga Financial and our cadets are encouraged to have a fulfilling life outside the office. A typical day will have you arriving at the office at around 8.30am with most days concluding at 5.30pm.

What are the benefits of an Advisory Cadetship with Wybenga Financial?
Our cadets benefit from the following:

  • Career path – on completion of their degree our cadets have significant practical experience which will assist them in advancing their careers
  • Work helps your studies – by working full-time our cadets are able to apply their practical knowledge in the university subjects
  • Camaraderie with other cadets – the Firm has a number of cadets at various stages of their career
  • Mentoring – cadets are paired with a senior staff member who oversees their progress and training both at work and with their studies
  • Communication and feedback – the Firm has an open door policy which enables all cadets to interact with all members of staff including Directors
  • Culture – the Firm promotes a friendly social culture with a number of functions throughout the year
  • Modern environment – including ‘socialising’ areas such as pool table and break out area
  • Training – ongoing support and technical training. We also provide internal and external training on a monthly basis
  • Remuneration – working full-time provides a market salary and independence with salaries being reviewed every 6-months

What happens when I complete my degree?
The completion of your degree is the first step of what we hope to be a long and successful career with us. The next step is the commencement of a Diploma of Financial Planning followed by completing the requirements to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

There are always progression opportunities for the right cadets and we are dedicated to the long term development of our staff.

Who should apply?
Current Year 12 students or first/second year University Students who:

  • want to commence their career in financial advisory;
  • are due to commence or are currently completing a part-time business or commerce degree at university with an advisory major;
  • want to gain valuable hands-on experience while completing their qualifications;
  • are looking for a friendly working environment;
  • are team players who display initiative;
  • have a commitment to self-development;
  • possess excellent personal presentation and communication skills; and
  • are motivated and mature minded.

How do I apply for an Advisory Cadetship?
To apply for a Cadetship position at Wybenga Financial send us your details. Please also include in your covering letter why you wish to do a cadetship, include relevant qualities you possess, main interests / achievements, and any previous employment.

Interested candidates should initially forward a resume/covering letter of no more than 3-pages. Please provide full details of contact information (telephone or e-mail).

What if I have more questions?
For further information about our Cadetship program, please send your enquiry to .