GDP by country since 1800
November 22, 2019 12:00 am Comments Off on GDP by country since 1800This animated chart is simply amazing. It's fascinating to see how the world has changed and is changing. Food for thought!!
This animated chart is simply amazing. It's fascinating to see how the world has changed and is changing. Food for thought!!
A great place to keep up-to-date with the 'bigger picture'.
Of all the decisions we make, investments ought to be the most rational. We should be able to whip off our rose-coloured glasses, replace them with green eyeshades and choose the lowest-cost investments with the highest-expected returns to create a diversified portfolio.
Buy low and sell high is the mantra of many a seasoned investor regardless of the asset class. Just stick to this investment strategy and you will never go wrong – right?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) grabbed headlines this month on releasing its latest World Economic Outlook report, downgrading its global growth forecasts to the lowest levels since the 2008-09 financial crisis.
Later this month around 630,000 Australians currently qualifying for a partial age pension will receive a welcome fortnightly payments boost.
Shane Oliver - Investors should expect more sharemarket volatility over the next year as the trade war between the US and China ratchets up, according to AMP Capital.
The government’s further restrictions to non-arm’s length income and LRBAs have passed Parliament, meaning SMSF trustees approaching retirement with an outstanding loan on a property will need to consider their options when planning contribution strategies for the 2020 financial year.
Interest in setting up an SMSF among those in APRA-regulated super funds is on the increase, while the average balance and age of new SMSF trustees have declined, according to Investment Trends data.
Investors are faced with a significant and growing challenge. Stretched government balance sheets and an ageing population will likely place a growing emphasis on retirees to "self-fund" their retirement.