Categories for Financial Planning News

Your guide to smarter holiday reading

Given all of the talk about many Australians being apathetic about their superannuation, it seems counter-initiative that one of the fastest-selling books ever in Australia is about how to improve your personal finances.

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Admin, BDBN errors flagged for SMSFs this year

SMSF practitioners and their clients have been cautioned on some of the ongoing mistakes that continue to be made with documentation and some of the newer traps that have cropped up with the changes to superannuation.

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ATO targets non-arm’s length income – NALI

Following a series of ATO audits conducted on SMSFs in recent months, the ATO has been applying non-arm’s length income to a number of SMSFs resulting in serious tax consequences for these funds, warns an industry consultant.

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Retiring in their 30s or 40s?

The stories about people who have embraced the FIRE — it stands for Financial Independence Retire Early — movement are fascinating. 

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