Categories for Financial Planning News

Living expenses for retirees on the rise

The latest Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) statistics into retirement lifestyles has shown a jump in the cost for retirees during the June 2018 quarter, driven mainly by clothing, transport and health services.

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Smart spouse investing

Spouses have clear motivations to at least consider the potential benefits of taking a co-ordinated approach to savings and investing – as well as in dealing with their day-to-day budgeting.

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Examining the S in SMSF

One of the great misnomers in the Australian investment scene is that self-managed super funds are actually self-managed.

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Statistics show SMSFs not just for the rich

The latest data reflecting the current position of the SMSF market has indicated these types of retirement saving structure are not purely the domain of extremely wealthy individuals as is often thought, the SMSF Association has said.

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